Cardiac rehabilitation is a service that GACRI proudly offers 3-4 days weekly at the Macon campus. Our AACVPR certified cardiopulmonary rehabilitation program has 643 square feet of dedicated space and multiple types of aerobic and resistance exercise equipment. Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation is a medically supervised exercise and education program. We offer training on safe aerobic activity as well as proper use of weights and resistance equipment. Medicaly monitored exercise includes monitoring your heart rhythm, blood pressure and having a physician on site. Our cardiac rehabilitation team offers multiple programs to meet your needs for restorative health or fitness maintenance. We have been able to work with patients with atrial fibrillation, heart failure, ventricular tachycardia, obesity, hypertension, coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease, peripheral artery disease, and numerous other diagnoses. In 2019, GACRI conducted over 2,000 patient sessions. During cardiac rehabilitation programs, we strive to make exercise fun and rewarding for our patients. In addition to helping our patients increase activity, they will learn about cardiac diet, stress management, how to measure vital signs, proper lifting techniques and balance exercises.
Team Leader:
Briana Wolfe, CCCRP
Brianna is a certified cardiac rehab professional (CCRP) under American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACPR). She attended University of Tennessee, Chattanooga and has a BS in Exercise physiology. Through her experience and collaboration with our physicians, she is able to individually tailor treatment plans.
Benefits of Cardiac Rehabilitation:
- Reduction in all cause and cardiac mortality
- Reduction in hospital readmission
- Improved functional and exercise capacity
- Improved mood and quality of life
- Improved modifiable cardiac risk factors (BP, cholesterol, stress management, diabetes management/prevention)
- Reduction in atrial fibrillation burden
Want to speed things up? Print and fill out a Cardiac Rehab Form
If you have any interest in joining our program please contact Briana Wolfe, CCRP at 478-703-0399.